
December 2nd to December 6th

D: Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing Example #1
Rev: Graphing Systems WKST #1 - Problem #1
D: Example #2
Rev: WKST #1 - Problem #4
D: Example #3
Rev: WKST #2 - Problem #1
29-Graphing Systems WKST #1/#2
P: Beauty of Numbers
D: IMS and No Solution - Solving Systems by Graphing
30-Pg. 367-368: 10-30 Even
P: Beauty of Numbers
DLO: Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution
Exit Ticket
P: Beauty of Numbers
31-Pg. 375-376: 12-32 Even
Beauty of Numbers
DLO: Solving Systems by Elimination
Exit Ticket
P: 32-Beauty of Numbers (Due Monday)
22-Pg. 311: 1-3, 7-3323-Quiz (Slope-Intercept Form)DLO: Point-Slope Form
Exit Ticket
24-Pg. 318-319: 1-4, 8-21, 25-26DLO: Standard Form
Exit Ticket
25-Pg. 325-326: 1-4, 8-30
DLO: Linear Functions
Try It
P: Beauty of Numbers
SA: Linear Functions
22-Pg. 293-294: 8-13
P: Beauty of Numbers
Rev: Relations and Functions, Representations of Functions, and Linear Functions
23-Mid-Unit Quiz (Unit 7)
P: Beauty of Numbers
DLO: Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Functions
Try It
P: Beauty of Numbers
SA: Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Functions
24-Pg. 299-300: 1-2, 7-14, 19a
P: 25-Beauty of Numbers (Due Monday)

November 25th to November 29th

P: Beauty of NumbersP: Beauty of NumbersNo SchoolHappy ThanksgivingNo School
Finish HWFinish HW
Beauty of Numbers Design for Fun
No SchoolHappy ThanksgivingNo School
P: Beauty of NumbersP: Beauty of NumbersNo SchoolHappy ThanksgivingNo School

November 18th to November 22nd

DLO: Graphing Absolute Value Functions
Exit Ticket
24-Pg. 349: 6-30 Even
25-Quiz (Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, Trend Lines, and Absolute Value Functions)
EG: Grade 25
26-Unit 5 Review WKST
27-Unit 5 Review WKST (MC)
28-Unit 5 TestP: Introduction to Beauty of Numbers
Bring Colored Pencils!
Finish HW
16.5-Quiz (Slope)
DLO: Direct Variation
Exit Ticket
17-Pg. 304-305: 1-2, 9-24, 27-29
Finish HWRev: Practice Quiz
18-Quiz (Slope and Direct Variation)
DLO: Slope-Intercept Form
Exit Ticket
19-Graphing WKST #1
20-Graphing WKST #2
21-Graphing WKST #3
22-Pg. 311: 1-3, 7-33
DLO: Relations and Functions
Try It
18-Pg. 279-280: 3-5, 9-15
SA: Relations and Functions
DLO: Representations of Functions
Try It
SA: Representations of Functions
19-Pg. 286-287: 1-6, 9-23, 27-29
20-Relations and Functions WKST
21-Representations of Functions WKST
EG: Grades 20 and 21
P: Introduction to Beauty of Numbers
Bring Colored Pencils!

November 11th to November 15th

Cell Phone Policy
HB: Tests
EG: Grade 18
Rev: Practice Quiz
19-Quiz (Slope-Intercept Form)
G: 24
DLO: Standard Form
Exit Ticket
20-Pg. 326-327: 8-36 Even, 52-56 Even
Rev: Practice Quiz
21-Quiz (Point-Slope and Standard Forms)
DLO: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Exit Ticket (Parallel and Perpendicular Lines)
22-Pg. 334: 8-24 Even, 25-26 All, 28-30 All
Paper Airplanes
D: Equations for Trend Lines #1
23-Equations for Trend Lines #2
DLO: Writing a Function Rule
Exit Ticket
13-Pg. 265: 8-14 All
DLO: Functions, Domain, and Range
Exit Ticket
14-Pg. 271-272: 1-4, 8-15, 18-19
Finish HW15-Quiz (Chapter 4, Quiz 2)
DLO: Rate of Change and Slope
Exit Ticket
16-Pg. 297-298: 2-3, 8-25
Cell Phone Policy
HB: Papers
Rev: End-Unit Quiz (Unit 4)
13-End-Unit Quiz (Unit 4)
Rev: Unit 4
Rev: Unit 4 (Test A)
14-Unit 4 Test
Finish Test
D: Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing
Example 1
Example 2
Exit Ticket (Problems 1 & 3)
15-Solving Systems by Graphing WKST #1/#2
EG: Grade 15
Example 3
Exit Ticket (Problems 2 & 4)
16-Solving Systems by Graphing WKST #3/#4
17-Quiz (Solving Systems by Graphing)

November 4th to November 8th

EG: Grade 13
DLO: Slope-Intercept Form
Exit Ticket
15-Sketch Each Line WKST #1
EG: Grade 14
Rev: Slope and Direct Variation
16-Quiz (Slope and Direct Variation)
EG: Grade 15
Rev: Sketch Each Line WKST #2
Rev: Slope-Intercept Form From Two Coordinates
Rev: Sketch Each Line WKST #3
17-Pg. 312-313: 8-30 Even, 31-33 All, 37-41 All, 45
Point-Slope Form
Exit Ticket
18-Pg. 318-319: 8-18 Even, 19-26 All, 29 (Due Monday)
Field Trip :)
10.5-Unit 3 Review WKST11-Unit 3 TestDLO: Graphing a Function Rule
Exit Ticket
12-Pg. 257-258: 10-20 Even, 24-32 Even
Finish HWDLO: Writing a Function Rule
Exit Ticket
13-Pg. 265: 8-14 All
SA: Slope of a Line
DLO: Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
Try It
11-Pg. 177: 4-7, 11-19 (No HW)
SA: Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
Finish HW
EG: Grade 11
Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form
Try It
12-Pg. 183-184: 1-5, 8-18 Even
EG: Grade 12
SA: Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
SA: Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form
Field Trip :)

October 28th to November 1st

G: 24
DLO: Functions, Domain, and Range
Exit Ticket
9-Pg. 271-272: 8-10 Even, 12-16 All, 18-22 Even, 24-25 All
10-Quiz (4-4 to 4-6)
EG: Grade 10
11-Unit 4 Review WKST
12-Unit 4 Test
G: 24
DLO: Rate of Change and Slope
GSP: Slope
Exit Ticket
13-Pg. 298-299: 8-22 Even, 23-25 All, 30-32 All, 42
Rev: Slope
DLO: Direct Variation
Exit Ticket
14-Pg. 304-305: 10-26 Even, 27-29 All (Due Tuesday)
Finish HW9-Quiz (Multi-Step and Compound Inequalities)DLO: Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
Exit Ticket
10-Pg. 211: 18-46 Even
Finish HW10.5-Unit 3 Review WKST
Rev: Extra Practice 4.1 and 4.2HB: Papers
D: Extra Practice 4.1 and 4.2
DLO: Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
Try It
9-Pg. 165-166: 11-16, 18-19, 21, 23, 25-28, 30
EG: Grade 9
DLO: Graphing Linear Equations in Standard Form
Try It
10-Pg. 171-172: 1-3, 9-17, 20-21
Rev: Extra Practice 4.4

October 21st to October 25th

Clean Out Binder
DLO: Patterns and Nonlinear Functions
Exit Ticket
5-Pg. 250: 6-17
EG: Grade 5
D: First (front and back) Page of Test
6-Quiz (4-1 to 4-3)
EG: Grade 6
DLO: Graphing a Function Rule
Exit Ticket
D: Second (front and back) Page of Test
7-Pg. 257: 10-32 Even
D: Writing a Function Rule Practice WKST
Exit Ticket
8-Pg. 265-266: 8-22 Even
Review Unit 3 WKST
2-Unit 3 Test
Finish HW6-Quiz (Solving Inequalities)
DLO: Solving Multi-Step Inequalities
Exit Ticket
7-Pg. 189-190: 1-4, 9-14, 18-36 EvenDLO: Compound Inequalities
Exit Ticket
8-Pg. 204-205: 11-30
8.5-Review WKST
Clean Out Binder
Rev: Graphing (Airplane)
Rev: Slope
5-Pg. 152-153: 1-3, 9-20
Rev: Graphing (Dragonfly)
Rev: Graphing Linear Equations and Slope of a Line
6-Quiz (Graphing Linear Equations and Slope of a Line)
DLO: Graphing Proportional Relationships (y=mx)
SA: Graphing Proportional Relationships
7-Pg. 159-160: 1-6, 9-11, 15 (No HW)
Retake First Page of the Unit 9 Test
Finish HW
EG: Grade 7
Rev: Slope of a Line
Retake the Second Page of the Unit 9 Test
8-Mid-Quiz (Unit 4)
EG: Grade 8

October 14th to October 18th

Fall BreakFall BreakFall BreakFall BreakFall Break
Fall BreakFall BreakFall BreakFall BreakFall Break
Fall BreakFall BreakFall BreakFall BreakFall Break

October 7th to October 11th

Rev: Pg. 223-226: 7, 12, 15, 21, 23, 29-30, 32, 34, 44-46, 53-56
2-Unit 3 Test
Finish TestG: 24
DLO: Using Graphs to Relate Two Quantities (PPT)
ET: Pg. 237: 5-10
3-Pg. 238: 11-15, 21-22
DLO: Patterns and Linear Functions
Exit Ticket
4-Pg. 243-244: 6-15
EG: Grade 4
Washington D.C. Trip
DLO: Inequalities and Their Graphs
Exit Ticket
3-Pg. 167-168: 2-4, 12-34 All
Finish HW
DLO: Solving Inequalities Using Addition and Subtraction
Exit Ticket
4-Pg. 174-175: 1-4, 13-20, 33-36DLO: Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division
Exit Ticket
5-Pg. 181: 1-4, 7-30
Finish HW
G: Round the Square Root to the Nearest Tenth
2-Unit 9 Test A
3-Unit 9 Test BDLO: Graphing Linear Equations
Try It
4-Pg. 145-146: 10-18
SA: Graphing Linear Equations
DLO: Slope of a Line
Try It
Washington D.C. Trip

September 30th to October 4th

DLO: Solving Multi-Step Inequalities
Exit Ticket
36-Pg. 190: 11-12 All, 18-34 Even, 41-43 All
DLO: Compound Inequalities
Exit Ticket
37-Pg. 204-205: 12-40 Even
Rev: Multi-Step and Compound Inequalities
38-Quiz (Solving Multi-Step and Compound Inequalities)
DLO: Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
Exit Ticket
39-Pg. 211: 18-46 Even
1-Unit 3 Review (PPT)
EG: Grade 1
Rev: Pg. 223-226: 7, 12, 15, 21, 23, 29-30, 32, 34, 44-46, 53-56
Finish HW
DLO: Percents
Exit Ticket
27-Pg. 141: 1-5, 9-20, 23-30
28-Quiz (Proportions and Similar Figures)
DLO: Percent of Change
Exit Ticket
29-Pg. 148: 7-17
1-Unit 2 Review WKST
Finish Unit 2 Review WKST2-Unit 2 Test
SA: Square Roots
SA: Cube Roots
26-Lesson 9.3 (Extra Practice)
27-Quiz (Square and Cube Roots)
DLO: Rational Numbers
Try It
28-Pg. 399: 1-3, 7-18, 22 (Not HW)
Finish Grade 28
EG: Grade 28
DLO: Irrational Numbers
Try It
SA: Rational Numbers
SA: Irrational Numbers
29-Pg. 406-407: 1, 3-8, 11-19, 22-23, 28-33
Rev: Rational and Irrational Numbers
1-Quiz (Rational and Irrational Numbers)

September 23rd to September 27th

EG: YA(x2)
G: Basketball Review (Pg. 152-156)
30-Unit 2 Review WKST
31-Unit 2 Test
Binder Notes
DLO: Inequalities and Their Graphs
Exit Ticket
32-Pg. 168-169: 8-38 Even, 43
DLO: Solving Inequalities Using Addition and Subtraction
Exit Ticket
33-Pg. 174-175: 14-28 Even, 34-40 Even, 60-64 Even
DLO: Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division
Exit Ticket
34-Pg. 181-182: 8-30 Even, 34-36 Even, 50-56 Even
EG: Grade 34
35-Quiz (Inequalities)
23-Pg. 119: 10-22, 25-3024-Quiz (Literal Equations, Ratios, Rates, and Conversions)
DLO: Solving Proportions
Exit Ticket
25-Pg. 127: 1-5, 10-33DLO: Solving Proportions and Similar Figures
Exit Ticket
26-Pg. 134: 6-18 All
Finish HW
Finish Test A Review
G: Basketball Review
22-Unit 8 Test BDLO: Finding Square Roots
Try It
23-Pg. 378-379: 1-4, 7-9, 14-27, 32-37, 41-43, 45
24-Lesson 9.1 (Extra Practice)
EG: Grade 24
DLO: Finding Cube Roots
Try It (Finding Cube Roots)
25-Pg. 393-394: 4-18, 22-28
EG: Grade 25

September 16th to September 20th

DLO: Solving Proportions and Similar Figures
Exit Ticket
26-Pg. 134-135: 8-18 Even, 22, 25, 26
EG: YA (x2)
18-Quiz (Solving Equations #1 Retake)
Rev: Proportions and Similar Figures
27-Quiz (Proportions and Similar Figures)
Rev: Solving Equations #2
DLO: Percents
Exit Ticket
21-Quiz (Solving Equations #2) Retake
28-Pg. 141-142: 10, 16, 24, 29-38 (Due Monday)
DLO: Percent of Change
Exit Ticket
29-Pg. 148-149: 10-17, 25-30 (Due Monday)
20-Solving Equations #2 WKST
21-Quiz (Solving Equations #2)
DLO: Literal Equations and Formulas
Exit Ticket
22-Pg. 112: 11-27
Finish HW
ISTEP Reference Sheet
DLO: Ratios, Rates, and Conversions
Exit Ticket
23-Pg. 119: 10-22, 25-30Rev: Solving Equations WKST
Rev: Scientific Notation
19-Pg. 353-354: 1-7, 10-29, 31-34
DLO: Operations in Scientific Notation
Try It
20-Pg. 359: 1-3, 8-15, 17-24)
Rev: Unit 8
21-End-Quiz (Unit 8)
Rev: Chromebook Reveiw
Rev: Unit 8 Test A
Rev: Scientific Notation WKST

September 9th to September 13th

EG: Grade 19
EG: Grade 20
Rev: Solving Equations
21-Quiz (Solving Equations #2)
G: 24
DLO: Literal Equations and Formulas
Exit Ticket
22-Pg. 112-113: 12-32 Even, 43-44
DLO: Ratios, Rates, and Conversions
Exit Ticket
23-Pg. 119-120: 10-30 Even, 31-33, 35
Rev: Literal Equations, Ratios, Rates, and Conversions
24-Quiz (Literal Equations, Ratios, Rates, and Conversions)
Rev: Solving Equations #1
DLO: Solving Proportions
Exit Ticket
25-Pg. 127-128: 18-32 Even, 36, 40, 48, 50, 54 (Due Tuesday)
Finish HW (Grade 16)
18-Quiz (Solving Equations #1)
DLO: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Exit Ticket
19-Pg. 105-106: 1-4, 10-18, 21-40
Finish HW20-Solving Equations #2 WKST
21-Quiz (Solving Equations #2)
EG: Grade 15
DLO: Zero and Negative Exponents
Try It
16-Pg. 341-342: 1-3, 9-20, 23-31
G: Basketball Review
17-Mid-Quiz (Unit 8)
DLO: Estimating Quantities
Try It
18-Pg. 347-348: 1-3, 7-23, 25, 29
Rev: Estimating Quantities
DLO: Scientific Notation
Try It

September 2nd to September 6th

No SchoolG: Basketball Review (Solving Equations)
17-Practice Quiz (Solving Equations #1)
18-Quiz (Solving Equations #1)
DLO: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Exit Ticket
Rev: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
19-Pg. 105-107: 14-40 Even, 45-46
20-Practice Quiz (Solving Equations #2)
Quiz Monday!
No SchoolFinish HW
DLO: Solving Two-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
15-Pg. 91: 1-4, 11-22, 26-37
Finish HW
DLO: Solving Multi-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
16-Pg. 98: 10-18, 21-53
Finish HW17-Review Solving Equations #1
18-Quiz (Solving Equations #1)
No SchoolRev: Inequalities
12-Quiz (Inequalities)
DLO: Exponents
Try It
13-Pg. 323-324: 5-23, 29-31, 35-37
EG: Grade 13
Product of Powers Property
Try It
14-Pg. 329-330: 1-5, 7-21, 24-30, 33
EG: Grade 14
Quotient of Powers Property
Try It
15-Pg. 335-336: 1-3, 6-23, 25-30

August 26th to August 30th

No Food or Drinks!
12-Quiz (Operations with Real Numbers, The Distributive Property, and Patterns)
EG: Grade 12
Rev: Unit 1
13-Unit 1 TestG: 24
Binder Notes (x3)
DLO: Solving One-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
14-Pg. 85-86: 18-36 Even, 42-48 Even, 62-68 Even, 73
DLO: Solving Two-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
15-Pg. 91-92: 12-22 Even, 26-32 Even, 38-42 Even, 54-55
DLO: Solving Multi-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
16-Pg. 98-99: 14-26 Even, 34-42 Even, 48-52 Even, 60, 62
EG: Grade 16
No Food or Drinks!
DLO: The Distributive Property
Exit Ticket
10-Pg. 49-50: 1, 4-5, 9-40, 53-64
D: Patterns, Equations, and Graphs
11-Pg. 64-65: 1-2, 8-24, 27-29
12-Quiz (Operations with Real Numbers, The Distributive Property, and Patterns)13-Unit 1 TestDLO: Solving One-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
14-Pg. 85: 1-3, 10-49
No Food or Drinks!
Rev: Chromebook Review
Rev: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Rev: Rewriting Equations and Formulas
Chromebook Review
Rev: Rewriting Equations and Formulas
9-End Quiz (Unit 1)
Rev: Unit 1 Test A10-Unit 1 Test BDLO: Inequalities
Exit Ticket
11-Inequalities WKST

August 19th to August 23rd

Are you prepared for class?
DLO: Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
8-Pg. 42-43: 8-18 Even, 24, 26, 32-46 Even, 50, 59 (No Calculator)
EG: Grade 8
Rev: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Real Numbers9-Quiz (Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Real Numbers)
DLO: The Distributive Property
Exit Ticket
HB: Quiz
10-Pg. 50-51: 14-20 Even, 28-38 Even, 54-64 Even, 76, 80
EG: Grade 10
D: Patterns, Equations, and Graphs
Rev: Pg. 64: 11, 17, 21
11-Pg. 64-65: 8-24 Even, 28
EG: Grade 11
Retake Quiz (9-Quiz)
5-Pg. 26: 1-2, 7-18
6-Quiz (Expressions, Real Numbers, and Properties)
DLO: Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
7-Pg. 33-34: 1-6, 10-26, 30-37, 44-46
Finish HW
DLO: Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
8-Pg. 42: 1, 3, 8-13 (no calculator), 14-37 (with calculator)
Finish HW
Rev: Practice Quiz
9-Quiz (Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Real Numbers)
DLO: The Distributive Property
Exit Ticket
10-Pg. 49-50: 1, 4-5, 9-40, 53-64
Rev: Solving Multi-Step Equations Extra Practice
6-Mid Quiz (Unit 1)
Rev: Lesson 1.1 Extra PracticeDLO: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Try It
7-Pg. 22-23: 1-4, 11-19, 22-33
Rev: Lesson 1.2 Extra Practice
DLO: Rewrite Equations and Formulas
Try It
8-Pg. 29: 1-4, 13-18, 20-25
EG: Grade 8

August 12th to August 16th

Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Organize Binders
DLO: Order of Operations and Evaluating Expressions
Exit Ticket
2-Pg. 13-14: 10-32 Even, 35, 38, 42
DLO: Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
3-Pg. 20-21: 10-22 Even, 38-50 Even, 62
Rev: Expressions and Real Numbers
4-Quiz (Expressions and Real Numbers)
DLO: Properties of Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
5-Pg. 26: 1-2, 7-18
Rev: Expressions, Real Numbers, and Properties
6-Quiz (Expressions, Real Numbers, and Properties)
DLO: Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
7-Pg. 34-35: 18-40 Even, 46, 50, 56 (No Calculator)
EG: Grade 7
DLO: Order of Operations
Exit Ticket
2-Pg. 13-14: 10-32 Even, 35, 38, 42
Finish HW
DLO: Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
3-Pg. 20-21: 10-22 Even, 38-50 Even, 62Rev: Expressions and Real Numbers
4-Quiz (Expressions and Real Numbers)
DLO: Properties of Real Numbers
Exit Ticket
5-Pg. 26: 1-2, 7-18
Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Organize Binders
DLO: Solving Two-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
2-Solving Two-Step Equations WKST
Rev: Solving Equations
3-Quiz (Solving Equations)
Try It (Solving Simple Equations)
HW Heading
4-Pg. 8-9: 1-3, 11-14, 19-20, 22-24, 32
DLO: Solving Multi-Step Equations
Try It
5-Pg. 15: 1-4, 9-19
EG: Grade 5

August 5th to August 9th

No SchoolSyllabus
Supply List
Google Classroom
Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Assignment Sheet
Study Island Benchmark Test
Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Organize Binders
DLO: Variables and Expressions
Exit Ticket
1-Pg. 7-8: 10-24 Even, 27-30 All
Study Island Benchmark Test
Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Organize Binders
Study Island Benchmark Test
No SchoolSyllabus
Supply List
Google Classroom
Study Island Benchmark TestStudy Island Benchmark Test
DLO: Variables and Expressions
Exit Ticket
1-Pg. 7-8: 10-24 Even, 27-30 All
Finish HW
DLO: Order of Operations
Exit Ticket
2-Pg. 13-14: 10-32 Even, 35, 38, 42
No SchoolSyllabus
Supply List
Google Classroom
Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Organize Binders
Assignment Sheet
Study Island Benchmark Test
Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Organize Binders
Assignment Sheet
Study Island Benchmark Test
Are you prepared for class?
School Supplies
Composition Books
Organize Binders
Assignment Sheet
Study Island Benchmark Test
DLO: Solving One-Step Equations
Exit Ticket
1-Solving One-Step Equations
EG: Grade 1
D: Solving Two-Step Equations
SA = Self-Assessment
DLO = Daily Learning Objective
D = Discuss
Rev = Review
EG: YA = Effort Grade Over Yesterday's Assignment
ET = Exit Ticket
G = Game
HB = Hand Back an Assignment, Quiz, Test, etc.
BN = Binder Notes
GSP = Geometer's Sketchpad
P = Project